The Love Energy Frequency Program 9 weeks to Inner Peace by Elyse G. Rogers

The Love Energy Frequency Program

Gain self-confidence, uplift yourself & access peaceful bliss anytime you need
with Digital Sound Healing™

Are you longing for the knowledge to raise your voice and make inner transformation happen once for all?

Are you tired of mainstream music with negative song lyrics that bring you down and instead, you want to uplift your senses with positive digital music with meaningful words?

Are you ready to be your authentic self?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then you’re in the right place! This life-changing journey through digital healing music will transform you from the inside out!

The Love Energy Frequency Program is for you if you want to:

  • raise your energy to higher levels and feel good everyday
  • get relief from aches and pains and restore your birthright to health and radiance
  • heal shame and guilt so you can be unapologetically yourself without needing to people-please and finally set healthy boundaries (and keep them in place!)
  • feel more balanced emotionally and not let daily life situations get to you
  • open your heart to feel safe in your relationships and receive the love that you’re here to experience
  • improve your communication skills
  • learn to trust yourself, your intuition and life!

This course will give you access to all the actionable tools and techniques that will help you achieve all of this and more – in a fun and non-overwhelming way!

I want this!




Digital Musical Healing Tones to energise you and get you in a peaceful and balanced state
whatever life may throw at you!

A 9-week programme showing you how to dissolve all negative feelings of overwhelm and shine brighter than ever before!

A library full of digital musical tones, meditations, and songs in different frequencies to clean and raise your energy centres!

9 workbooks guiding you to fully integrate the new-found knowledge, learn the different musical tones and how they can affect your body’s energy system on a deep cellular level!

Screenshot of the program

9 weeks to LEARN the path to Self-Mastery, broken down in 9 modules

  • Week 1 – Module 1 – Frequency 1: Grounding

The History of Music, 440 Hz, Solfeggio Frequencies, Energy Centres, Intention and 174 Hz

You will learn how to stand in Truth and authentic self. You will experience more certainty in life, feeling safe in your daily routine, knowing your needs are always met. You’ll get up every day feeling the inner strength to deal with any challenges

  • Week 2 – Module 2 – Frequency 2: Clearing all energy fields for more balance and alignment

Aura, Vibration, Vibration Frequency Chart and 285 Hz

Learn to instantly clear brain fog, sudden energy dips, and overwhelm. You’ll know how to protect yourself from low vibrational energies, cleanse your mind and body after exposure to negative people, animals and places so you can positively impact your environment and dissolve negative thoughts and energies for increased clarity and focus.

  • Week 3 – Module 3 – Frequency 3: Clearing guilt and fear for empowerment and sovereignty

Sound Waves, Human Frequency Chart, Earth Frequency, Different Frequencies and 396 Hz

Gain a deeper understanding of how to clear lower-based energies and nurture your root chakra, where patterns related to survival, safety, and basic needs are stored. You will learn how to dissolve feelings of guilt, fear, self-loathing, and even addictions leading to a more grounded and empowered self with a restored self-control.

  • Week 4 – Module 4 – Frequency 4: Unblocking stuck emotions for improved creativity and intimacy

Stress, Emotions, Body Atlas Map, Church Organ and 417 Hz

You’ll learn how to identify and release disempowering emotions stored in your tummy area, and end feelings of stagnation. By the end of this module, you’ll have the tools and techniques to free yourself and experience enhanced creativity, emotional balance, and a greater capacity for pleasure and intimacy. Ready for emotional liberation and creative empowerment? This module is the key!

  • Week 5 – Module 5 – Frequency 5: The Love Frequency

Soul Alignment, Love Energy, Water Crystals, DNA and 528 Hz

You’ll explore the transformative power of The Love Frequency, which resonates deeply on a cellular level to enhance DNA and promote self-love. This frequency also helps to dissolve false templates inherited from ancestors related to conditional love, abandonment, rejection, looking for external validation and acceptance.
By the end of this module, you’ll have tools and insights to harness The Love Frequency for enhancing your well-being at a cellular level, promoting self-love, and fostering profound emotional and spiritual growth so you can create positive transformations in your life.

  • Week 6 – Module 6 – Frequency 6: Reconnecting and balancing relationships

Map of Consciousness, Healing with Colours, Forgiveness, Frequency Medicine and 639 Hz

This module is all about reconnecting and restoring balance in your relationships. Whether it’s with family, friends, or romantic partners, this module offers practical tools and insights to cultivate deeper connections and harmony with mutual respect and understanding, leading to emotional fulfillment and happiness in your life.

  • Week 7 – Module 7 – Frequency 7: Opening up to clear communication

Planetary Alignment, Focus, Authentic Self, Electromagnetic and 741 Hz

This Frequency empowers you to express yourself openly and authentically through clear communication. When blocked, the corresponding energy centre hinder your ability to articulate your thoughts and feelings effectively, both in personal and professional settings. This module is designed to help you overcome these obstacles and cultivate confident, transparent communication skills opening up to greater personal growth and fulfillment.

  • Week 8 – Module 8 – Frequency 8: Awakening your spiritual awareness

Binaural Beats, Turning Forks, Sound. Bowls, Cymatics and 852 Hz

Through the activation of the third eye chakra, you will improve your ability to connect with your intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual guidance. This module provides life-changing practices to clear blockages and enhance your spiritual connection to your higher self. You will experience spiritual growth to the next level: enlightenment!

  • Week 9 – Module 9 – Frequency 9: Perfect State – Oneness

The Vitruvian Man, 3,6 & 9, Malta and the Pyramids, Elevate and 963 Hz

Module 9 is the culmination of your Path to Self-Mastery through the chakras, frequencies, and spiritual practices. It focuses on elevating your consciousness to a state of oneness and radiant presence. After integrating the teachings from previous modules, you’ll naturally experience a profound inner bliss. By the end of this module, you’ll glow from within, shining your light brightly to positively impact the world around you. You’ll experience profound joy, fulfillment, and oneness in your life.

Note: Each of the 9 Modules includes: healing tones, meditations, songs and workbooks

Also included: BONUS Module

  • Video 1The Power of 432 Hz for healing, relaxation, and spiritual connection in true harmony and alignment with the natural rhythms of existence (plus tone, meditation and songs all in this powerful frequency).

  • Video 2: Foods that Vibrate to glow from within, maintain a healthy weight and enhance wellness by learning the concept of foods that vibrate to higher frequencies to support your overall health and vitality.

  • Video 3: Money Frequency to clear money and abundance blocks and open yourself to receive more in your life. Prosperity is your birthright, learn how to cultivate a positive relationship with money and manifest greater financial prosperity and ease.

  • Video 4: AM/FM Radio Learn how radio technology works and its impact on society, how it has connected people worldwide and continues to evolve in the digital age.

  • Video 5: 295.8 Hz: the Healthy Weight Frequency vibe. Learn how sound and vibration can support physical wellness, promote overall vitality and how 295.8 Hz frequency can contribute to weight loss efforts and promote optimum health for an enhanced quality of life.


Join the Love Energy Frequency Program

Module 1 to 5 The Love Energy Program

Module 6 to 9 + bonus The Love Energy Program

Here’s what you’ll learn over the 9 weeks

  • How to manage your stress levels and balance your emotions so you have more patience with your loved ones and navigate life without conflicts.

  • How to clear your personal energy centres (fka Chakras) & your aura so you get rid of brain fog and confusion and get back to a state of clarity for increased productivity and a better time management.

  • How to live life with more love so negativity can’t affect you and you can maintain a healthy lifestyle and shine brighter than ever before

  • How to use colours, not only to add extra zest to your wardrobe, but also to feel radiant, wear colours that enhance your personality and make you feel confident

  • How to free yourself from past burdens through the power of forgiveness so you can move forward with more peace and lightness in your heart.

  • How planets are connected to frequencies and how to use this knowledge to navigate life and get back into balance with ease when something feels off.

  • Discover the benefits of Binaural beats, turning forks, sound bowls and cymatics on your health and wellness and how to incorporate them to improve your daily life

  • Discover hidden teachings that no one tells you about at school so you can master yourself and know the Truth about Life.
    Access wisdom to rise above the matrix by learning about how the Vitruvian man relates to the 9 Solfeggio Tones, the meaning of 3, 6 & 9, how Malta & The Pyramids are associated with sound healing, the Om frequency, how the frequency of your human pitch and animals differs, how a certain frequency was used in underground chambers for healing and why…

Buy the 9-week Love Energy Frequency Program

Are you joining me on a path to self-mastery?

Creating this Love Energy Frequency Program is the first culmination of my path to self-mastery.

After having invested extensively in my own healing—addressing past traumas, ancestral timelines, and overcoming addictions—I’ve experienced firsthand the transformative power of sound and vibration in facilitating profound inner healing and spiritual growth.

Through years of dedication and thousands invested in myself, I’ve discovered the healing benefits of frequencies to align the body, mind, and spirit to a state of Harmony.

My mission is to help other spiritual seekers like YOU master themselves and their Ascension by sharing these powerful tools so you can have all you need on your journey towards holistic wellness and inner peace.

I deeply believe that by harnessing these frequencies, you can unlock your true potential, heal deeply rooted wounds, and cultivate a life filled with vitalitybalance, and spiritual alignment – like I did for myself.

I’m excited to accompany you so you can experience for yourself what positive music should really sound and feel like.

I know your soul is wanting this too!

My wish is for the world to be a better place, with kindness and compassion for ourselves and each other and this course is my contribution!

Elyse G. Rogers Creator of The Love Energy Program

What my students are saying about the Love Energy Frequency Program

"Elyse is a lovely, warm, genuine person and clearly cares about humanity and the planet. I'm so grateful to her for sharing the information in this course; it's absolutely fascinating, and as a big fan of sound healing, I knew I had to do this course. It would be wonderful if its contents could be shared far and wide. How different our lives would be if we were all living at a higher frequency!"

Liz, West Yorkshire

"I would highly recommend the love energy frequency course. It has changed my life and I feel more at peace within myself. I'm now ready to spread this wonderful positive message around me. You'll feel more confident and your self-love and worth will grow stronger. It is like a ricochet effect."

Alexis Ribot, Manchester, UK

"Before joining the program, I used to listen to Binaural Beats a lot, but now I listen to 741 Hz to improve my intuition and communication, and I just love that I can use all of these frequencies now; it’s opened my mind! Thank you."

Adrian Kelly, Manchester, UK

"Elyse's knowledge and passion really shine through every single part of this course - there is so much included that I have found interesting and insightful, and I am looking forward to continuing to embed what I have learned into everyday life. As a result of following the course, I feel more balanced and centered; my energy levels and sleep quality have also improved, and I feel that it has helped me to feel more positive and optimistic about my future generally."

Sarah Hodgkins, West Midlands, UK

Join The Love Energy Community

So, are you with me on this path to self-mastery through the healing power of frequencies so you can elevate your life to new levels of joy, health, and spiritual fulfillment?

This course is for you if:

  • You’re wanting to expand your knowledge on digital healing tones and hidden teachings to exit the matrix

  • You’re tired of excess stress and emotional overload and want to access a state of inner peace where the external world can’t shake you

  • You’re looking for ways to clean your aura so you can feel energised on demand no matter what’s going on around you

  • You’re an action taker who’s ready to change their habits to finally see the positive results of your efforts to manifest your dream life

This course is NOT for you if:

  • You’re happy to remain where you are and don’t want change

  • You’re content in listening to negative lyrics and music tuned to 440 Hz and accept this unbalanced state as the norm

  • You’re not committed to improving your health and wellness and making a difference in the world

  • You are okay with your vibration as it is, and don’t feel the need to raise it to make your dream life happen

Buy the Love Energy Program

What happens after you click the BUY NOW button?

Once your payment has been made (either in full or payment plan) you will receive an email with full instructions and your login details and password to the program portal. (Log in via this link)

A new module with videos, audios, and workbooks will be unlocked each week in your portal. You’ll be notified by email.

1 to 2 hours per week should be allocated for this on top of your daily routine.

Once a month, there is a pre-recorded video that can be accessed in your own time with different topics on new frequency tones and interviews with people who work in the music industry.

Enrol now

What my students are saying about the Love Energy Frequency Program

"This course was jam-packed with helpful and informative content including practical ways to use what was being taught. I found it easy to follow, interesting and incredibly moving. Frequency 8 was by far my favourite and gave me goosebumps all over. I had no knowledge of any of this prior to doing the course but now I feel very well educated and also lighter and less bogged down by day-to-day troubles following the meditations. Thank you Elyse. This is a fabulous course!"

Sarah Ibrahim, Essex UK

"I have recently completed the Love Energy frequency course with Elyse, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I found it to be very well presented, interesting and very informative. I feel amazing after using the frequencies. I have become more confident, self-accepting and love myself so much more. We all need to use these frequencies to release all the negative we have been taught to accept about us not being good enough and then we can love ourselves and others unconditionally. Thank you Elyse."

Davina Maria, Lancashire UK

For any questions, please check the FAQ or contact me here.

I’m looking forward to accompanying you on your healing journey!

Much love,

Elyse 💖

Elyse G. Rogers Love Energy Music

Copyright Elyse G Rogers 2022-2024

15 Modules

Module 8 - 852 Hz Frequency Tone

How to transform Intuition and become your true Authentic Self!

Module 9 - 963 Hz Frequency Tone

How to reach your highest Connection and achieve ‘Perfect State’ 

Modules for this course 15

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 £ 639.00 GBP
 £ 160.00 GBP  ( then £160.00 GBP for 3 months )
 £ 110.00 GBP  ( then £110.00 GBP for 5 months )

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